50 Swan Road
Smithfield, RI
Phone: 401-231-9043
Crops: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, pumpkins
Seasons: Strawberries (June); raspberries (end of June through most of July); blueberries (mid-July into September); apples (Saturday after Labor Day through most of October); pumpkins (mid-September to October 31)
Hours: May-December, daily, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Also: Farm stand and bakery with apples, autumn and summer squashes, basil & parsley, sweet corn, cucumbers, Concord grapes, eggplant, peaches, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, raspberries, Romaine lettuce, tomatoes; baked goods; jams, preserves, and relishes; and more; Christmas trees.
Information: http://www.jaswellsfarm.com/picking-schedule.html