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Newport has great parks for outdoor activities year-round

Fort Wetherill State Park - Jamestown, RI - Photo Credit Zafer Cakirtas
Fort Wetherill State Park

Fort Wetherill Road Jamestown, RI, 02835 Phone: 401-884-2010

Site of a historic defense battery and military training camp, the park offers spectacular views of Newport Harbor, RI and Narragansett Bay from its location on 100-foot granite cliffs. Popular for scuba diving, picnicking, boating, fishing, and hiking.
Aerial View - Fort Adams State Park - Newport, RI
Fort Adams State Park

80 Fort Adams Drive Newport, RI, 02840 Phone: 401-847-2400

Fort Adams State Park is, in face, a former fort guarding Newport Harbor, RI and the east passage of Narragansett Bay. It is a very large area, with lots of lawns for walking and picnicking. There is also salt water bathing and fishing. Sail Newport, a non-profit organization based at the park, offers instruction and rentals of sailboats and windsurfing equipment. Sail Newport hosts sailing events and races with the park as its home base.
Fort Adams is known nationally and internationally for its Newport Jazz Festival and Newport Folk Festival, which draw thousands of guests to the property; many more listen to the music from boats in the harbor.
The Fort often hosts special historical events like reenactments of battles and the daily lives of soldiers in a historic setting. The original defenses still standing include walls, powder magazines, guns and cannons, and tunnels. The fort also welcomes people to seasonal events, like its Halloween season Fright and the Fort fun house.
kite flying at Brenton Point State Park in Newport-credit-RI Commerce Corp
Brenton Point State Park

Ocean Drive Newport, RI, 02840 Phone: 401-847-2400

Brenton Point State Park is located on the spectacular Ocean Drive in Newport, RI. Its sloping, grassy lawns overlook vast views of Narragansett Bay, its islands, and bird life. Stiff breezes make this a favorite place for kite flying; a kite flying festival is held here every year on the second weekend of July. Visitors enjoy walking, picnicking, fishing on the rocky shore, and nature photography. Open year-round, sunrise to sunset. Bathrooms open May through October.
Haines Memorial State Park

On Bullock's Cove, off Metropolitan Park Drive Barrington, RI Phone: 401-253-7482

Beach for salt-water swimming on Narragansett Bay; picnic groves with a fireplace at each site; ball fields; restrooms, bath house. This is a stop on the East Bay Bike Path. In summer, the park hosts a farmer’s market. A boat ramp is accessible to wheelchairs.
Block Island Ferry - 866.783.7996 - Click Here to Sail Away!
Picnic Area - Colt State Park - Bristol, RI - Photo Credit RI Division of Parks
Colt State Park

Route 114 at Asylum Road Bristol, RI, 02809 Phone: 401-253-7482

Colt State Park is cheek to cheek with the eastern shore of Narragansett Bay. It has huge lawns for games, many curving drives and foot paths, fantastic views and great spots for shore fishing. Ten large playing fields, picnic groves, flower beds, near the extensive East Bay Bike Path. This park is a favorite for family gatherings, reunions, and weddings. There is an open-air chapel, Chapel by the Sea. - Park Map (PDF)
Beach View - Beavertail State Park - Jamestown, RI - Photo Credit RI Division of Parks
Beavertail State Park

Beavertail Road Jamestown, RI, 02835 Phone: 401-884-9834

Beavertail State Park is located at the southern tip of Jamestown Island. It is on a dramatic promontory with a lighthouse. Fantastic views of Narragansett Bay. The coastline of the park is rocky. It is not good for swimming but perfect for rock climbing, exploring tide pools and tidal marine life, salt-water fishing (surf casting), walking the grounds, picnicking and kite flying. Views are tremendous. The Park operates a naturalist program to learn about the ecology of tide pools and local geology. Also, programs relating to crabs, fish, whales and intertidal zones. Open year-round, dawn to dusk.
Beavertail Lighthouse has a museum and gift shop in the assistant keeper's house. The museum is temporarily closed to the public, but when open the hours vary from May to Columbus Day.