Opening day for trout fishing in Rhode Island is usually mid-April. Licenses are required for anglers 15 years of age and older. Licenses many be purchased at Rhode Island’s city halls and town halls and many local bait and retail shops or online at the Licensing and Registration web page of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.
Rhode Island residents are not required to have a license for saltwater fishing unless they wish to sell the catch. Out-of-state residents must have a license to shellfish in Rhode Island waters; also, they are forbidden to take lobster. For more information contact the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management at 401-789-3094.
Click here to view Rhode Island Tide Charts
On Bullock's Cove, off Metropolitan Park Drive Barrington, RI Phone: 401-253-7482
End of West Beach Road, off Post Road / Route 1 Charlestown, RI Phone:
Off Route 146 Lincoln, RI Phone:
West end of Charlestown Beach Road Charlestown, RI Phone:
Van Zandt Avenue and Washington Street Newport, RI Phone:
1 Burlingame State Park Road Charlestown, RI, 02813 Phone: 401-322-8910
Off Seapowet Avenue Tiverton, RI Phone:
Off Ocean Avenue Narragansett, RI Phone:
Ocean Drive Newport, RI, 02840 Phone: 401-847-2400
Gladys Casrr Bolhouse Road Newport, RI Phone:
at Freebody and Bayview drives Jamestown, RI Phone:
Trims Pond New Shoreham (Block Island), RI, 02807 Phone:
Middle Bridge Road Narragansett, RI, 02882 Phone:
Off Ocean Avenue just west of Prices Neck Road Newport, RI Phone:
end of Barker Avenue Warren, RI Phone:
Beach Avenue Block Island, RI Phone:
Route 1A just off Route 1 Charlestown, RI, 02813 Phone: 401-364-1222
Pond swimming, fishing; playground, fields, nature center, Frisbee golf
at Jackson Schoolhouse and Widow Smith roads Chepachet, RI, 02814 Phone:
Bridge Street and Nooseneack Hill road Richmond, RI Phone:
Barber's Pond Road, off Route 2 South Kingstown, RI Phone:
Beavertail Road Jamestown, RI, 02835 Phone: 401-884-9834
off Old Stafford Road Tiverton, RI Phone:
Off Plainfield Pike (Route 14) Coventry, RI Phone:
Route 114 at Asylum Road Bristol, RI, 02809 Phone: 401-253-7482
Off Annawamscutt Drive Bristol, RI Phone:
Bluffhead Road Little Compton, RI Phone: